Sunday, August 10, 2008


I am borrowing from the New Old Age blog again. Jane Gross challenges her readers to recommend books as well as movies that focus on the senior population. I am passing on this challenge....any recommendations from the Red Bank population?

This book list was obtained from the August 7 post of the New Old Age Blog.

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Patrimony (by Philip Roth)
The Optimist’s Daughter (by Eudora Welty)
As We Are Now (by May Sarton)
Angle of Repose (by Wallace Stegner)

An anonymous contributor to our blog left a great top ten list of books (see comment under the second post for June 26, 2008 ). It so happens that this reader also lists the book "Angle of Repose". A coincidence? Perhaps - but I tend to think things happen for a reason. So I will look around for this book. In the meantime, if you've read it...please share any insights you might have. Thx

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