Monday, August 24, 2009


This movie is an amazing example of someone following their dream. Even more amazing are the number of people who were willing to help Philippe Petit achieve his life long dream. He must be very persuasive!

But what struck me more than Philippe's achievement was the footage of the World Trade Center Towers. Especially today - as the one remaining steel wall returns to Ground Zero to become part of a monument to the people who perished on 9/11/01.

In this movie, you see those steel frames going up for the first time, you see the buildings emerge as two completed works of architecture - and art.

And, sadly, this movie shows how a man with a dream can get past even vigilant security when his passion is all consuming.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009


Author Title Publisher

Byatt, AS The Children's Book Random House - Chatto and Windus

Coetzee, J M Summertime Random House - Harvill Secker

Foulds, Adam The Quickening Maze Random House - Jonathan Cape

Hall, Sarah How to paint a dead man Faber and Faber

Harvey, Samantha The Wilderness Random House - Jonathan Cape

Lever, James Me Cheeta HarperCollins - Fourth Estate

Mantel, Hilary Wolf Hall HarperCollins - Fourth Estate

Mawer, Simon The Glass Room Little, Brown

O'Loughlin, Ed Not Untrue & Not Unkind Penguin - Ireland

Scudamore, James Heliopolis Random House - Harvill Secker

Toibin, Colm Brooklyn Penguin - Viking

Trevor, William Love and Summer Penguin - Viking

Waters, Sarah The Little Stranger Little, Brown - Virago

The Man Booker Prize