Monday, August 24, 2009
But what struck me more than Philippe's achievement was the footage of the World Trade Center Towers. Especially today - as the one remaining steel wall returns to Ground Zero to become part of a monument to the people who perished on 9/11/01.
In this movie, you see those steel frames going up for the first time, you see the buildings emerge as two completed works of architecture - and art.
And, sadly, this movie shows how a man with a dream can get past even vigilant security when his passion is all consuming.
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
Author Title Publisher
Byatt, AS The Children's Book Random House - Chatto and Windus
Coetzee, J M Summertime Random House - Harvill Secker
Foulds, Adam The Quickening Maze Random House - Jonathan Cape
Hall, Sarah How to paint a dead man Faber and Faber
Harvey, Samantha The Wilderness Random House - Jonathan Cape
Lever, James Me Cheeta HarperCollins - Fourth Estate
Mantel, Hilary Wolf Hall HarperCollins - Fourth Estate
Mawer, Simon The Glass Room Little, Brown
O'Loughlin, Ed Not Untrue & Not Unkind Penguin - Ireland
Scudamore, James Heliopolis Random House - Harvill Secker
Toibin, Colm Brooklyn Penguin - Viking
Trevor, William Love and Summer Penguin - Viking
Waters, Sarah The Little Stranger Little, Brown - Virago